ReportCat - The Java Report Print SDK Library


This tutorial is a quick introduction to ReportCat. It includes useful examples to learn the basic concepts of the architecture. To run the examples, you need a Java 2 runtime environment (see and at least the ReportCat limited evaluation version (see download page). The full source code of all examples and its compiled versions are also available in that package. References to these examples are signaled with the symbol Exmpl.gif (212 bytes).
At the end of this tutorial, you will be able to define and print reports. Please refer to the API documentation for a more detailed description of all members of the API.
Before you start, take a quick look at the overview document. It will give you an idea of ReportCats functionality.



Package Structure
Hello World
Building a Print Preview
Using the GridPrint for Layouting
Adding Header and Footer
Printing Tables
Table Column Width
The Table Cell Drawers
Breaking Lines in Tables
What about another Table Look?
Borders and other Decorators
Printing Images
Reports with Multiple Columns
Printing Charts
The Rendering of Strings
Adding new Functionality
How to Connect a Report with its Data Set

Package Structure

ReportCat is divided into the following four packages:

li.netcat.print The print package contains the basic interfaces, the print manager and the preview panel.
li.netcat.print.util This package contains the built in components (= prints) of ReportCat and other utilities.
li.netcat.print.util.text Here are some text processing utilities.
li.netcat.print.table As in Swing, the table is a slightly more extensive component and occupies its own package for clarity.

Hello World

Let's not step out of line and start with the legendary "Hello World!" example:

Exmpl.gif (212 bytes) HelloWorldExample

import li.netcat.print.*;
import li.netcat.print.util.*;

public class HelloWorldExample {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    try {
      new PrintManager(new TextPrint("Hello World!")).print(true);
    catch (PrinterException x) {

As you can see, this code basically allocates a new instance of a TextPrint and uses the PrintManager to print the report. The flag true causes the print dialog to pop up. The TextPrint is some sort of "print control" and can be compared with a label. The package li.netcat.print.util contains many more such print controls.

Building a Print Preview

A print preview is a useful utility that shows the final layout of a document before printing. Because the look and the layout of a print preview is project specific, ReportCat only provides its main component, the PreviewPanel. The preview panel represents one page of the report. It can be used to build a project specific print preview. Here is an example implementation of a print preview:

Exmpl.gif (212 bytes) PrintPreviewExample

public class PrintPreview extends JPanel implements ActionListener {
  private PreviewPanel _previewPanel;
  private JButton      _nextPageButton;
  ...define all buttons...
  public PrintPreview(Print print) {
    super(new BorderLayout(5, 5));
    setBorder(new EmptyBorder(5, 5, 5, 5));
    // create the preview panel
    _previewPanel = new PreviewPanel(print);
    // add the preview panel to my print preview
    add(new JScrollPane(_previewPanel), BorderLayout.CENTER);
    ...create and add all buttons...
  public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) {
    Object source = event.getSource();
    if (source == _nextPageButton) {
    else if (source == _previousPageButton) {
    else if (source == _zoomOutButton) {
      _previewPanel.setZoom(_previewPanel.getZoom() / 1.3);
    else if (source == _zoomInButton) {
      _previewPanel.setZoom(_previewPanel.getZoom() * 1.3);
    else if (source == _scaleOutButton) {
      _previewPanel.getPrintManager().setScaleValue(_previewPanel.getPrintManager().getScaleValue() / 1.1);
    else if (source == _scaleInButton) {
      _previewPanel.getPrintManager().setScaleValue(_previewPanel.getPrintManager().getScaleValue() * 1.1);
    else if (source == _orientationButton) {
      int newOrientation = _previewPanel.getPrintManager().getOrientation() == PrintConstants.PORTRAIT ? PrintConstants.LANDSCAPE : PrintConstants.PORTRAIT;
    else if (source == _resetButton) {
      PrintManager pm = _previewPanel.getPrintManager();
    else if (source == _pageDialogButton) {
    else if (source == _printButton) {
      try {
        // or call the following if you don't want a dialog:
      catch (PrinterException x) {

  public JFrame open() {
    JFrame frame = new JFrame();
    return frame;
  private JButton createButton(String text) {
    JButton button = new JButton(text);
    return button;

As you can see, the PreviewPanel can easily be integrated into a custom preview. You may use the PrintPreview class of the example as a base to implement your own preview.

Now, let's reimplement our "Hello World!" example and use the new print preview:

public class PrintPreviewExample {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    new PrintPreview(new TextPrint("Hello World!")).open();

Here is the resulting screenshot:

PrintPreview.gif (9159 bytes)

The scale command might seem unusual. In contrast to the zoom, this command modifies the layout of the report! The whole report gets scaled, as if the size of the paper changed, so more or less content will fit on one page.

You can also use two or more preview panels to have a simultaneous look at more than one page. Just make sure, that all PreviewPanels are constructed with the same PrintManager.

Using the GridPrint for Layouting

Since we now have a comfortable preview, we can focus on the definition of reports. A report is simply an implementation of the Print interface. By convention, all implementations of the Print interface end with the word "Print". If you consider our first example, the TextPrint is a simple implementation of the Print interface and represents a trivial report that has only a text. More complex reports are defined by composing or decorating simple prints to a more complex print (See the composite and the decorator design pattern in the GOF-Book).

One of the most important "print control" is the GridPrint. It will be used in almost every report to layout "print controls" of the report. The GridPrint implements the Print interface and has one or more child prints. The next example shows the usage of the GridPrint:

Exmpl.gif (212 bytes) GridPrintExample

GridPrintExample.gif (12867 bytes)

Now, lets have a look at the code that defied this report:

public class GridPrintExample {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    // as usual
    new PrintPreview(createPrint()).open();
  public static Print createPrint() {
    // define some texts
    String t1 = "ein punkt richtet sich in seiner oberfläche auf ohne die Absicht den zenith zu erreichen doch mit sanfter neigung gegen";
    String t2 = "die achse eines semikolons das aus seiner";
    String t3 = "hängenden lage schwingen und wie eine";
    String t4 = "schiffsschaukel in den himmel steigen könnte bis es im scheitelpunkt einen moment stillsteht wie ein ausrufezeichen";
    String t5 = "wenn auch nur im vorübergehn und ohne hoffnung je wieder hier auszuruhn (Franz Mon)";
    // define the default grid print constraints. Its column span is "reminder".
    GridPrintConstraints c = GridPrintConstraints.DEFAULT;
    // define a grid print with a horizontal and vertical gap of 20
    // for this example, we use two boxed grid prints, the inner and the outer
    GridPrint inner = new GridPrint(20, 20);
    // add a text print with a column span of 1, i.e. the next print is on the same row.
    inner.add(new TextPrint(t2), c.colSpan(1));
    // add a text at the end of the current row
    inner.add(new TextPrint(t3), c);
    // add the next text
    inner.add(new TextPrint(t4), c);
    // allocate the outer grid, also with a gap of 20
    GridPrint outer = new GridPrint(20, 20);
    outer.add(new TextPrint(t1), c.colSpan(1));
    // add the inner grid print into the outer and set the weight of this
    // column to 2.0f so that this column gets twice as much space as the first column
    outer.add(inner, c.colWeight(2.0f));
    outer.add(new TextPrint(t5), c);
    return outer;

As you can see, the GridPrint works similar to the GridBagLayout. It has a grid with cells and (similar to the GridLayout) horizontal and vertical gaps between the cells. Notice that since all cells are occupied by implementations of the Print interface, the GridPrint supports a page break even in the middle of a cell, not only between the rows.

Each cell has GridPrintConstrains associated with it that define constraints like column span, width, or weight of the cell. The current implementation does not support row span, so in this example, we used boxed GridPrints to simulate a row span. GridPrintConstrains is an immutable class with "clone and modify" methods. The code c.colSpan(1) returns a clone of the c object and sets the column span property to 1. This methodology can also be used in a chain e.g. c.colSpan(1).colWeight(2.0f) that produces easy readable code.

Adding Header and Footer

So far so good, but how can we add header and footer to this report? This is solved with the PagePrint. It wraps a Print by adding header and/or footer to it on each page (decorator pattern). The header and footer are defied by the PageDecorator interface that works like a factory, creating a header print and a footer print for each page. The following example shows the details:

Exmpl.gif (212 bytes) HeaderFooterExample

public class HeaderFooterExample {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    // decorate the print of the grid example with a page decorator
    new PrintPreview(new PagePrint(GridExample.createPrint(), createPageDecorator())).open();

  public static PageDecorator createPageDecorator() {
    return new MyPageDecorator();
  // implementation of a page decorator
  private static class MyPageDecorator implements PageDecorator {
    private static Image LOGO = ImageLoader.loadImage("./images/Logo.gif");
    private Print _headerPrint;

    //// constructors
    public MyPageDecorator() {
      TextPrint textPrint = new TextPrint("ReportCat");
      textPrint.setFont(new Font(null, Font.BOLD, 14));
      ImagePrint imagePrint = new ImagePrint(LOGO, 104, 18);
      GridPrintConstraints c = GridPrintConstraints.DEFAULT;
      GridPrint gp = new GridPrint();
      gp.add(textPrint, c.colSpan(1));
      gp.add(imagePrint, c.colWidthPreferred());
      gp.add(new LinePrint());
      _headerPrint = gp;
    // factory method that creates the header for a page
    // here, the header is always the same
    public Print createHeader(PageNumber number) {
      return _headerPrint;
    public int getHeaderGap(PageNumber number) {
      return 20;
    // factory method that creates the footer for a page
    public Print createFooter(PageNumber number) {
      GridPrint gp = new GridPrint();
      GridPrintConstraints c = GridPrintConstraints.DEFAULT;
      gp.add(new LinePrint());
      gp.add(new TextPrint("Copyright (c) 2003 - 2004 by NetCat Inc., all rights reserved."), c.colSpan(1));
      gp.add(new PageNumberPrint(number), c.hAlignRight().colWidthPreferred());
      return gp;
    public int getFooterGap(PageNumber number) {
      return 10;
HeaderFooterExample.gif (11897 bytes)

Note that the header and the footer also implement the Print interface. All implementations can be reused to build header and footer, and the GridPrint is used to do the layout. This example also illustrates how the preferred size of a Print is used to define the width of a column or the horizontal alignment of a cell.

Printing Tables

In the previous section, we learned some aspects of the GridPrint. We could also use this class to represent a whole table. This is not a bad idea when the table is not very regular and has different types of content in each cell. But regular tables are often generated with data from a database and have other preferences such as a header that should be repeated on each page or a custom rendering of the cells.
So let's have a closer look at the TablePrint and start with a simple example:

Exmpl.gif (212 bytes) SimpleTableExample

public class SimpleTableExample {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    new PrintPreview(createPrint()).open();
  public static Print createPrint() {
    // create a data model for the table and return a table print
    return new TablePrint(new DinnerModel());

This code produces the following table:

SimpleTableExample.gif (10960 bytes)

The TableDataModel defines the data of the table (similar to Swing). Here is the implementation used for the example:

public class DinnerModel implements TableDataModel {
  private String[] _headers;
  private List _rows;
  private double _total;
  public DinnerModel() {
    _rows = new ArrayList();
    _headers = new String[]{"Produkt", "Menge", "Preis", "Total"};
    add("Brötchen", 4, 1.10);
    add("Cabernet Sauvignon", 6, 24.50);
    add("Parmesan", 1, 3.50);
    add("Mineralwasser, 1.5 Liter Pet", 6, 1.10);
    add("Kerzen", 2, 0.70);
  public void add(String name, int amount, double price) {
    _rows.add(new String[] {name, Integer.toString(amount), format(price), format(amount*price)});
    _total += amount*price;
  public int getRowCount() {
    return _rows.size();

  public int getColumnCount() {
    return _headers.length;
  public Object getValueAt(int rowIndex, int columnIndex) {
    return ((String[])_rows.get(rowIndex))[columnIndex];
  public Object getValueTypeAt(int rowIndex, int columnIndex) {
    return getTypeAt(columnIndex);
  public boolean hasHeader() {
    return true;
  public Object getHeaderAt(int columnIndex) {
    return _headers[columnIndex];
  public Object getHeaderTypeAt(int columnIndex) {
    return String.class;

  public boolean hasFooter() {
    return true;
  public Object getFooterAt(int columnIndex) {
    if (columnIndex == 0) {
      return "Total";
    if (columnIndex == 3) {
      return format(_total);
    return null;
  public Object getFooterTypeAt(int columnIndex) {
    return getTypeAt(columnIndex);

  //// private helpers
  private Object getTypeAt(int columnIndex) {
    if (columnIndex == 0) {
      return String.class;
    return Number.class;
  private static DecimalFormat format = new DecimalFormat("0.00");
  private String format(double value) {
    return format.format(value);

As the example shows, the data model defines the number of rows and columns, whether there are header and/or footer and the types and data values of all cells. The types of the data values are only used to determine the appropriate cell renderer (see next chapters)

Table Column Width

How wide are the columns of a table? Well, there are a lot of parameters that influence the widths of the table columns. First of all, a table can be left, center or right aligned. In that case, we suppose that the table is not as wide as the available width and all columns have their preferred widths. But in some cases, the table should be as wide as the available width, so the additional width must be distributed among the table columns. The worse situation occurs, if the preferred width of a table is wider than the available width. Then, some or all columns must give away some space.

The following example shows a simple table centered, left, right aligned (with only one row) and the same table that fits automatically to the available width.

Exmpl.gif (212 bytes) TableColumnWidthExample

public class TableColumnWidthExample {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    new PrintPreview(createPrint()).open();

  public static Print createPrint() {
    // create four tables
    TablePrint table1 = createTable();
    TablePrint table2 = createTable();
    TablePrint table3 = createTable();
    TablePrint table4 = createTable();
    // add them to a grid print
    GridPrint grid = new GridPrint(20, 20);
    GridPrintConstraints c = GridPrintConstraints.DEFAULT;
    // center the first table
    grid.add(table1, c.hAlign(PrintConstants.CENTER));
    // second table is left aligned
    grid.add(table2, c);
    // third table is right aligned
    grid.add(table3, c.hAlign(PrintConstants.RIGHT));
    grid.add(table4, c);
    // forth table fits the available width
    return grid;
  public static TablePrint createTable() {
    TablePrint table = new TablePrint(new MyTableDataModel());
    return table;

The available width is shown with a red box. As you can see, the default implementation distributes the additional width among all columns:

ColumnWidth1.gif (2701 bytes)

If we reduce the available width, the default implementation takes up space form every column and the default cell renderer signals it with "...":

ColumnWidth2.gif (2212 bytes)

If you set the "weight" of a column to 0, then, this column does not receive nor give away space. By specifying the weight to 2, the column receives twice as much as cells with the default weight of 1. Note that the text column now has to give away the full necessary width:

  public static Print createPrint2() {
    TablePrint table = createTable();
    // set the weight of the price column to 0.0f so that it doesn't get reduced
    table.setColumnWeight(1, 0.0f);
    return table;

ColumnWidth3.gif (736 bytes)

You may also specify a minimum column width in pixel, so that the price column will be at least 100 pixel:

  public static Print createPrint3() {
    TablePrint table = createTable();
    // set the minimum column width of column 1 to 100
    table.setMinimumColumnWidth(1, 100);
    return table;

ColumnWidth4.gif (783 bytes)

Or you may define a column constraint that says that the column should be at least as wide as the preferred width of its data cells (and/or header and/or footer). In our example, the string "24.50" will always be visible:

  public static Print createPrint4() {
    TablePrint table = createTable();
    // set the column width constraint that the column 1 must be at least
    // as wide as the preferred width of the column data cells 
    table.setColumnWidthConstraint(1, TablePrint.CONSTRAINT_MIN_CELLS);
    return table;

ColumnWidth5.gif (643 bytes)

All of the methods above can also be combined.

There are even more possibilities to influence the widths of the columns of a table. The ColumnWidthCalculator is the strategy that calculates the minimum, preferred and maximum column widths for a table. You may implement your own strategy for this calculator and set it to the table by calling


The next step in the calculation of the column widths is the ColumnWidthDistributor. It calculates the definitive widths of the columns of a table. You may also implement you own strategy for this calculation and set it to the table by calling


Last but not least, the row heights get calculated by the RowHeightCalculator in the third step. It calculates the heights of the header, data rows and the footer. It can also be set to the table with the call


The Table Cell Drawers

The cells of a table are rendered by using one ore more instances of a TableCellDrawer. Table cell drawers can be configured and registered with the table. This is done with the methods

TablePrint.setCellDrawer(Object type, TableCellDrawer drawer);
TablePrint.setDefaultCellDrawer(TableCellDrawer drawer);
TablePrint.setHeaderDrawer(Object type, TableCellDrawer drawer);
TablePrint.setDefaultHeaderDrawer(TableCellDrawer drawer);

TablePrint.setFooterDrawer(Object type, TableCellDrawer drawer);
TablePrint.setDefaultFooterDrawer(TableCellDrawer drawer);

The drawers of header, data cells and footer are configured independently. The default drawers are used, when no specific drawer is specified. An arbitrary type object is used to register the specific drawers. If the registered type object is equal to the type object returned by the TableDataModel the according TableCellDrawer will be used to draw the data cell. The next example configures the table cell drawers so that the numbers are right aligned and that the text occurs with an icon. Custom implementations of cell drawers are quiet easy. The simplest way is to extend the DefaultTableCellDrawer as this example shows:

Exmpl.gif (212 bytes) TableRendererExample

Note that the type of the table cell is defined by the TableDataModel:

public class DinnerModel implements TableDataModel {


  public Object getValueTypeAt(int rowIndex, int columnIndex) {
    return getTypeAt(columnIndex);
  public Object getFooterTypeAt(int columnIndex) {
    return getTypeAt(columnIndex);

  //// private helpers
  private Object getTypeAt(int columnIndex) {
    if (columnIndex == 0) {
      return String.class;
    return Number.class;

The cell drawers are now configured using the same type objects. The type object can also be any other object like new Integer(746) or "text column". It is only important that the type object used to register the table cell drawer matches with the type objects returned by the data model :

public class TableRendererExample {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    new PrintPreview(createPrint()).open();

  public static Print createPrint() {
    TablePrint table = new TablePrint(new DinnerModel());
    // set a right aligned cell drawer that paints the numbers
    // note that the DinnerModel returns Number.class for the number texts
    table.setCellDrawer(Number.class, table.createDefaultCellDrawer(PrintConstants.RIGHT));
    // set a right aligned footer drawer that paints the numbers
    table.setFooterDrawer(Number.class, table.createDefaultFooterDrawer(PrintConstants.RIGHT));
    // register my own table cell drawer for the text column.
    table.setCellDrawer(String.class, new MyCellDrawer());
    return table;
  // this example extends the DefaultTableCellDrawer that supports icons. 
  private static class MyCellDrawer extends DefaultTableCellDrawer {
    private static final Icon _ok = new ImageIcon("./images/Ok.gif");
    private static final Icon _nok = new ImageIcon("./images/Nok.gif");
    //// overridden methods 

    protected Icon getIcon(Object value, Object type, int rowIndex, int columnIndex) {
      // do some conversion
      if (rowIndex == 3) {
        return _nok;
      return _ok;

In this example, the MyCellDrawer calculates the icon of a data cell and displays icon and text in the same column. It is also possible, that the table data model itself returns an instance of an icon for a specific cell (see next example).Note that the numbers are now right aligned:

TableRendererExample.gif (2286 bytes)

You might also configure the font, color, insets of the DefaultTableCellDrawer:

    DefaultTableCellDrawer cellDrawer = table.createDefaultHeaderDrawer(PrintConstants.CENTER);
    cellDrawer.getDrawer().setFont(new Font(null, Font.BOLD | Font.ITALIC, 16));

Breaking Lines in Tables

ReportCat contains also an implementation of a TableCellDrawer that supports automatic line break. It creates manual line breaks at '\n' and adds automatic line breaks where necessary. This example shows also the usage of icons in the header or in a column.

Exmpl.gif (212 bytes) TableLineBreakExample

public class DinnerModelWithIcons implements TableDataModel {

  public Object getValueTypeAt(int rowIndex, int columnIndex) {
    return getTypeAt(columnIndex);
  private Object getTypeAt(int columnIndex) {
    if (columnIndex == 0) {
      // want to confugure an own renderer for the icons. See class TableLineBreakExample
      return "this is an icon column";
    if (columnIndex == 1) {
      // want to use a multi line renderer for this column. See class TableLineBreakExample
      return String.class;
    // other columns get right aligned. See class TableLineBreakExample
    return Number.class;
  private static DecimalFormat format = new DecimalFormat("0.00");
  private String format(double value) {
    return format.format(value);
public class TableLineBreakExample {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    new PrintPreview(createPrint()).open();

  public static Print createPrint() {
    return createTable();
  public static TablePrint createTable() {
    TablePrint table = new TablePrint(new DinnerModelWithIcons());
    // set a centered cell drawer that paints the icon
    // note that the DinnerModelWithIcons returns this rather unusual cell type
    table.setCellDrawer("this is an icon column", table.createDefaultCellDrawer(PrintConstants.CENTER));
    // set a right aligned cell drawer that paints the numbers
    table.setCellDrawer(Number.class, table.createDefaultCellDrawer(PrintConstants.RIGHT));
    // set a right aligned footer drawer that paints the numbers
    table.setFooterDrawer(Number.class, table.createDefaultFooterDrawer(PrintConstants.RIGHT));
    // register a multi line text cell drawer for the strings.
    table.setCellDrawer(String.class, new TextTableCellDrawer());
    // make sure that the columns 0, 2, 3 and 4 dont get shrinked width.
    // Real world code would use the data model or an other source to determine the column indices.
    // But we want to keep the example simple.
    table.setColumnWeight(0, 0.0f);
    table.setColumnWeight(2, 0.0f);
    table.setColumnWeight(3, 0.0f);
    table.setColumnWeight(4, 0.0f);
    return table;

If the table is narrow enough, the lines of the product column will break automatically:

TableLineBreakExample.gif (2271 bytes)

It is important that the parameter used to register the table cell drawer matches with the "type values" returned by the TableDataModel. The value itself can be any object.

What about another Table Look?

The table is an excellent object to define your own individual table look. The table look is "the stuff between and behind the table cells". In the above TablePrint , the DefaultTableLook is used. It paints the black lines and the alternate background and defines all the gaps between the rows and columns and the insets around the table. You might define your own look that implements the interface TableLook and set it to the table. The cells are drawn by implementations of the TableCellDrawer interface and are completely independent of the look:

Exmpl.gif (212 bytes) TableLookExample

TableLookExample.gif (3372 bytes)

Here comes the code that produced this table:

public class TableLookExample {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    new PrintPreview(createPrint()).open();

  public static Print createPrint() {
    // lets use the table of the TableLineBreakExample
    TablePrint table = TableLineBreakExample.createTable();
    // set my own look to the table.
    table.setLook(new HtmlTableLook());
    return table;

The custom table look implements the TableLook interface that has only two metods:

public class HtmlTableLook implements TableLook {
  private TableMargins _margins = new TableMargins(4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4);
  //// interface TableLook
  public TableMargins getTableMargins(TablePrint print, Graphics g) {
    return _margins;
  public void paint(TablePrint print, Graphics g, int x, int y, int[] columnWidths, int[] rowHeights, int headerHeight, int footerHeight) {
    ...some painting stuff...

You will find the complete source code of this example in the evaluation package (see download page).

Borders and other Decorators

Borders, backgrounds and other functionality are added by "decorating" an existing print. The decorator pattern (see GoF) has the motivation: "Attach additional capabilities to objects dynamically. Decorators provide a flexible alternative to sub classing for extending functionality". Let's start with a simple example:

Exmpl.gif (212 bytes) DecoratorExample

The code

new BackgroundPrint(new TextPrint("This TextPrint is decorated by a BackgroundPrint."), Color.yellow);

generates a print that looks like this:

DecoratorExample1.gif (463 bytes)

Note that the BackgrondPrint can decorate any other print. Lets decorate the print of the TableLineBreakExample with a yellow bakcground:

new BackgroundPrint(TableLineBreakExample.createPrint(), Color.yellow);

DecoratorExample2.gif (2344 bytes)

Imagine the power of the decorator Pattern!

There are other decorators available in ReportCat. The InsetsPrint is used to add additional space around a given print. For example, the code

  public static Print createInsetsPrint() {
    // define insets top:10,left:30,bottom:10,right:30
    Insets insets = new Insets(10, 30, 10, 30);
    // decorate print of example TableLineBreakExample with insets 
    Print print = new InsetsPrint(TableLineBreakExample.createPrint(), insets);
    // make insets visible with a background print
    return new BackgroundPrint(print, Color.yellow);

decorates the table of the TableLineBreakExample with insets and then with a yellow background:

DecoratorExample3.gif (2515 bytes)

Another useful decorator is the BorderPrint. As the name suggests, it decorates a given print with a border. But how does the border look like? Well, the look of the border is defined by the interface PrintBorder. There is also a simple implementation called LinePrintBorder that paints a solid line as border. The following example shows how to use the LinePrintBorder in combination with the BorderPrint.

  public static Print createBorderPrint() {
    Print print = new TextPrint("This TextPrint is decorated by a BorderPrint that uses a LinePrintBorder.");
    // define the border
    LinePrintBorder border = new LinePrintBorder();
    // define insets top:10,left:30,bottom:10,right:30
    border.setInsets(new Insets(10, 30, 10, 30));
    // decorate print with border 
    return new BorderPrint(print, border);

This code decorates a text print with a line border. Of course, it might also decorate any other element of the report including whole GridPrint objects:

DecoratorExample4.gif (809 bytes)

Note that BackgrondPrint and BorderPrint can also be combined, i.e. a decorator can decorate an already decorated object.

If an automatic page break divides a table in two or more parts, it is often required that this break is visualized by some sort of text or symbol, for example the text ">>":

DecoratorExample5.gif (2837 bytes)

This feature is not a property of the table, it's an independent decorator, i.e. it can be used to decorate any component, not only a table! But how is it implemented? It is a special border that paints the text ">>" before and after a page break:

  public static Print createDecoratedTable() {
    // note that we can decorate any print, it must not be a table
    Print print = TableLineBreakExample.createPrint();
    // define a border that uses a drawer before and after a page break
    // the default constructor paints ">>" before and after the break
    DrawerPrintBorder border = new DrawerPrintBorder();
    // decorate print with border 
    return new BorderPrint(print, border);

As you can see in this example, the BorderPrint in combination with a DrawerPrintBorder is used to decorate the table. The DrawerPrintBorder is an implementation of a border that draw some symbol before and after a page break. The look of the symbols are again defined by two Drawer delegates.

You might also define your own border that can decorate any print. A custom border just has to implement the PrintBorder interface which has only two methods. Let's implement a special border for our HTML table look:

DecoratorExample6.gif (4071 bytes)

In the above example, there are even two borders around the table: The outer paints the hint ">>" to the lower left corner. The inner border paints a white dashed line over the solid line of the table. Here is the implementation of the HtmlTableBorder:

public class HtmlTableBorder implements PrintBorder {
  private static final PrintInsets MARGINS = new PrintInsets(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);

  //// interface PrintBorder

  public PrintInsets getPrintInsets(Print print, Graphics g) {
    return MARGINS; 

  public void paint(Print print, Graphics g, PrintInsets margins, int x, int y, int width, int height, boolean topOpened, boolean bottomOpened) {
    if (topOpened) {
      dashLine(g, x, y, width, 1);
    if (bottomOpened) {
      dashLine(g, x, y+height-1, width, 1);

  private void dashLine(Graphics g, int x, int y, int width, int height) {
    for (int dx = 10; dx<width; dx+=20) {
      g.fillRect(x+dx, y, 10, height);

This border implementation can also be used to decorate the default table look, because the default look as also a solid line at the beginning and at the end of the table:

DecoratorExample7.gif (2882 bytes)

Printing Images

High-resolution raster images are printed using the ImagePrint. To get good results on a high-resolution printer, use a "big" image and specify a smaller size in the constructor of the ImagePrint. Depending on the resolution of the device, the image gets automatically scaled accordingly.


Scaling is a powerful feature when a lot of content must be placed on one page. The ScalePrint has been designed for this purpose. It acts as a decorator of another Print so it can be used to scale any other print. The ScalePrint can be configured to scale with an absolute scale factor and/or it can adjust the scale dynamically. Let's have a look at the following code:

Exmpl.gif (212 bytes) ScaleExample

public class ScaleExample {
  public static Image FLOWER = ImageLoader.loadImage("./images/Flower.gif");
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    new PrintPreview(createPrint()).open();

  public static Print createPrint() {
    // need some elements to print
    TablePrint table1 = TableLineBreakExample.createTable();
    TablePrint table2 = TableLineBreakExample.createTable();
    Print image = new ImagePrint(FLOWER, 256, 204);
    // add them to a grid with hgap and vgap of 20
    GridPrint grid = new GridPrint(20, 20);
    GridPrintConstraints c = GridPrintConstraints.DEFAULT.hAlignCenter();
    // the image should be auto scaled if it doesnt fit on the page
    grid.add(new ScalePrint(image, ScalePrint.MODE_AUTO_WIDTH), c);
    // the table 1 has a fix initial scale of 0.75 and gets also auto scaled
    grid.add(new ScalePrint(table1, 0.75, ScalePrint.MODE_AUTO_WIDTH), c);
    // the table 2 has a fix initial scale of 1.2 and gets also auto scaled
    grid.add(new ScalePrint(table2, 1.2, ScalePrint.MODE_AUTO_WIDTH), c);
    return grid;

All three prints are wrapped with its own ScalePrint with automatic scale adjustment. The image is only auto scaled, and the two tables have an initial scale factor of 0.75 and 1.2 respectively. The next two screenshots show the behavior of the resulting report. First, let's give it enough width (the red line shows the available size):

ScaleExample1.gif (36721 bytes)

The flower shows in its preferred width and the tables get scaled by their initial scale factors. Now, let's narrow the available width:

ScaleExample2.gif (18989 bytes)

As you can see, all three components get automatically scaled so that they fit exactly in the available width. All columns of the two tables are still visible.


Similar to the ScalePrint, the RotatePrint is also a decorator. It is able to rotate any Print by 0, 90, 180 or 270 degrees. The following screenshot shows an example:

Exmpl.gif (212 bytes) RotateExample

RotateExample.gif (41486 bytes)

Depending on the boxing, only parts of the report can be rotated. In this example the header does not get rotated. Here comes the code for this example:

public class RotateExample {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    // decorate the rotated print with header and footer
    new PrintPreview(new PagePrint(createPrint(), HeaderFooterExample.createPageDecorator())).open();

  public static Print createPrint() {
    // need some elements to print
    TablePrint table = TableLineBreakExample.createTable();
    Print image = ScaleExample.createImagePrint();
    // add them to a grid with gaps 20, 20
    GridPrint grid = new GridPrint(20, 20);
    // use constraints that puts the components in the center
    GridPrintConstraints c = GridPrintConstraints.DEFAULT.hAlignCenter();
    grid.add(table, c);
    grid.add(image, c);
    // return the ratated grid
    return new RotatePrint(grid);

Reports with Multiple Columns

The SplitPrint is also a decorator and is able to divide any Print into two or more columns. Depending on the boxing, only parts of the report get split. In this example, header and footer don't get split, they cover both columns:

Exmpl.gif (212 bytes) SplitExample

SplitExample.gif (11745 bytes)

The previous report has been generated by the following code:

public class SplitExample {
  public static void main(String[] args)	{
    // decorate the splitted print with header and footer
    PrintPreview preview = new PrintPreview(new PagePrint(createPrint(), HeaderFooterExample.createPageDecorator()));
    // set the default orientation to landscape
  public static Print createPrint() {
    GridPrint gp = new GridPrint(20, 20);
    // add some prints of the previous examples to the grid
    return new SplitPrint(gp);

See the detailed API of the SplitPrint for further attribute settings.

Printing Charts

An important part of clearly arranged reports are charts. For that purpose, NetCat provides its own library called  Java Graph and Chart Engine (ChartCat) that integrates seamlessly into ReportCat. See the tutorial of ChartCat to learn how to integrate charts into a report:

PrintExample.gif (12083 bytes)

The Rendering of Strings

Rendering strings in Java is an ongoing saga. Especially the exact determination of the advance width of a string seems to be quiet complex (think of kerning etc.). The advance width of a string is used to calculate the preferred with of a label or to right align a text. The default implementation of ReportCat uses the API of Java (FontMetrics) to determine the advance width of a string. This might not produce the best possible results on all platforms. There might be a slight deviation probably visible in right aligned text. If the precision of string rendering is not sufficient, you may extend the StringDrawDevice and provide you own implementation that will be used by all components.

Another important aspect in rendering strings is the automatic line break. You might also implement your own LineBreakStrategy that uses some sort of hints to breakup words.

Adding new Functionality

As we saw in this tutorial, ReportCat contains the most important components to create prints and reports in Java. The architecture of ReportCat has a lot of flexibility for custom configuration and plugins. It is possible to add new functionaliy for example by extending existing classes or by implementing new instances of the Print interface.

The following example shows the implementation of the custom LinePrint that has been used in the previous examples to separate the header and footer from the body:

public class LinePrint implements Print {
  //// interface Print
  public Dimension getPreferredSize(Graphics g, Dimension out) {
    out.width = 1;
    out.height = 1;
    return out;
  public PrintIterator getPrintIterator() {
    return new LinePrintIterator();
  //// inner classes 
  private static class LinePrintIterator implements PrintIterator {
    private boolean _available = true;
    //// interface PrintIterator
    public boolean hasNext() {
      return _available;
    public Painter getNext(Graphics g, int width, int height) {
      _available = false;
      return new LinePainter(width);

  private static class LinePainter extends FixSizePainter {
    //// constructor
    public LinePainter(int width) {
      super(width, 1);
    //// implementation of abstract metods
    public void paint(Graphics g, int x, int y) {
      g.fillRect(x, y, super.getWidth(), super.getHeight());

As you can see, there are three interfaces involved when you want to implement your own print. Inner classes are the best choice to implement the PrintIterator and the Painter interfaces.

How to Connect a Report with its Data Set

All the examples above use reports with "hard coded" data. This is done to keep the examples simple. However, a real world report must of course be drawn from an arbitrary data source. This is best done with the "Abstract Factory" design pattern (see GoF). First you need to define your data source that delivers the data for one report instance. For example:

public interface DataSource {
  public String getName();

  pubilc String getMainText();

  public TableDataModel getTableData();

  public Icon getLogo();

  // etc...  

Then you may define an interface that creates probably differend kind of reports:

public interface ReportFactory {
  public Print createSummaryReport(DataSource source);

  public Print createDetailReport(DataSource source);

  // etc...  

The implementation of the report factory gets implemented like this:

public class MyReportFactory implements ReportFactory {
  public Print createSummaryReport(DataSource source) {
    return new TextPrint(source.getMainText());

  public Print createDetailReport(DataSource) {
    GridPrint grid = new GridPrint(10, 10);
    // define report ...
    return grid;
  // etc...  

The implementation of the data source might use an SQL result set, a file, a dialog or an EJB to retrieve its data. This factory architecture has the advantage that you can change the look of all different reports simply by providing another factory implementation.


Don't hesitate to contact if you need any support or if you miss some functionality. We admire your feedback and need it to improve the product and the documentation. We are also able to add common needed functionality to ReportCat  for FREE within short time!

Copyright © 2003 - 2004 NetCat Inc.. All rights reserved.

Print,Printing,Printer,Java,Java Print,SDK,Java Printing,Printing Java,Print Java,Library,Java Library,Print Library,Report,Reports,Java Report,Java Programming,Java Output,Layout,Page,API,Preview,Print Preview,Content,A4,Free,Output,Header,Footer,Download,Package,Jar,Evaluation, Print,Printing,Printer,Java,Java Print,SDK,Java Printing,Printing Java,Print Java,Library,Java Library,Print Library,Report,Reports,Java Report,Java Programming,Java Output,Layout,Page,API,Preview,Print Preview,Content,A4,Free,Output,Header,Footer,Download,Package,Jar,Evaluation, Print,Printing,Printer,Java,Java Print,SDK,Java Printing,Printing Java,Print Java,Library,Java Library,Print Library,Report,Reports,Java Report,Java Programming,Java Output,Layout,Page,API,Preview,Print Preview,Content,A4,Free,Output,Header,Footer,Download,Package,Jar,Evaluation