ChartCat 1.2

Package li.netcat.chart.util

Contains a collection of Part implementations and other chart related utilities.


Interface Summary
IteratableLayout Extension of the Layout interface that adds the functionality of iterating over all elements of the layout.
PenBox Interface to a pen box that provides an unlimited number of pens.
ValueLocation Describes the location of a value on a graph.

Class Summary
AbstractPart This class should be used as the abstract super class of all Parts.
ArcValueLocation Implementation of a value location that describes an arc.
AreaLegendPart Represents a legend that refers to areas in a chart and looks for example like this:

AreaPart Represents an area graph that looks for example like this:

BarPart Represents a bar graph that looks for example like this:

BorderPart Represents a border that looks for example like this:

CartesianGraphPart Abstract super class of all graph parts with a Cartesian coordinate system.
CartesianGridPart Represents a Cartesian grid that looks for example like this:

CartesianInscribePart Represents a straight inscription that looks for example like this:

CartesianScalePart Represents a straight scale that looks for example like this:

DefaultLayout Default implementation of the Layout interface.
DefaultLogicalPoint Default and immutable implementation of a Logic point.
DeviceString This immutable class represents a string on a specific device.
DirectInscribePart Represents a direct inscription that looks for example like this:

GraphLook This class defines the look of a graph.
GraphPart Abstract super class of all parts that paint a graph.
GridPart The GridPart is the abstract super class of all grids.
InscribePart Abstract super class of all parts that inscribe the values of a chart.
LabelPart The LabelPart is used to write an arbitrary text to the chart.
LegendPart Abstract super class of a legend part.
LineLegendPart Represents a legend that refers to lines in a chart and looks for example like this:

LinePart Represents a line graph that looks for example like this:

ListPenBox Implementation of a pen box that uses a list of pens as internal data structure
PanelPart Since the layout of charts follows another layout paradigm than the standard AWT components, the layout manager concept of AWT cannot be applied to charts.
PanelPartConstraints Immutable class that defines the positioning of parts in a PanelPart.
Pen Immutable class representing a pen.
PerspectivePart Adds a 3D effect to a given Part and changes its look for example to the following:

PolarConverter Utility class for polar coordinate calculation.
PolarGraphPart Abstract super class of all graph parts with a polar coordinate system.
PolarGridPart Represents a polar grid that looks for example like this:

PolarInscribePart Represents a round inscription that looks for example like this:

PolarScalePart Represents a round scale that looks for example like this:

RadarLinePart Represents a polar graph that looks for example like this:

RadarPart Represents a polar graph that looks for example like this:

RectValueLocation Implementation of a rectangular value location.
RingPart Represents a round graph that looks for example like this:

TagPart Abstract super class of all parts that have to layout a series of labels (tags) that might need special handling of overlaps.
TextLook Immutable class that represents the look of a text label.
TextPart Abstract super class of all parts that display text in some form.

Package li.netcat.chart.util Description

Contains a collection of Part implementations and other chart related utilities.

Related Documentation

The following documents are worth reading before you go into the details of the API:

ChartCat 1.2

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